Values are the fundamental beliefs of a person. Who & what will you become dependent on the values and fundamental beliefs that a person beholds. Based on your actions and interaction with society, different people perceive you differently. Still, only the person himself knows his core.





Human beings are social creatures. We all want to live a good life. Hence relationships are my top priority. I call it – “Family First.” For me, a family is not only limited to parents, siblings, and cousins. It stretches to people I interact with on a day to day basis, including co-workers. Our social connection with other fellow beings is what makes our life experience beautiful. I prefer having few friends with a profound connection over a large social circle.

I strive to align my actions with my thoughts and do walk the talk. Being hyper-realistic, looking at the world the way it is, not the way I wanted it to be. Being radical transparent & honest with myself. Defining myself with my true identity.

The only constant in life is change. History is the witness of those who fails to change/adapt, don’t survive. I strive to have a Growth Mindset. That means having an eagerness to learn and a willingness to be wrong. I believe that a person may live by a code of values and morals that remains constant. However, when it comes to opinions, a person should be open to change, and try new things. There is no right or wrong. It’s all about perspective. It’s okay to fail as long as you are learning from your mistakes.


To most of us, this is just an artwork on the staircases, but for few, this is a real mountain. Life is an experience. That experience can vary depending on one’s health. If an unfit person goes on a challenging trek, he will only be going to complain. However, for a healthy person, it can be a memorable experience. Having a healthy body is much more than looks. It is a status symbol that reflects patience, hard work, dedication, and persistence. No money can buy it.