- Google Maps turns 15 with brand new features and a new icon.
- New Map has five new tabs on the bottom-
Explore – Explore the neighbourhood, search restaurant, ratings, reviews and landmarks
Commute – Get real-time traffic update on your daily commute
Saved – Access saved locations
Contribute – If want to make an edit or suggest any changes in any business listing
Update – Provide feed of what’s trending nearby, must-see local events. Users can chat will businesses to ask questions.

- Live view will be able to assist better in pin-pointing the destination. Consider it Pokemon Go game in Google Maps, but far more meaningful and useful.

- Google Maps are adding additional features when you are taking public transport like Women’s Section, Security On-board. – blog.google

- After months of delay, Facebook finally launched the privacy-focused tool “Clear History” that allows users to see and delete third-party websites that have access to your data and browsing history. You can access Clear History tool via Settings > Your Facebook information > Off-Facebook Activity or click here.
P.S. – Numbers would surprise you!
Note – Doing so will automatically log out you from all the websites or apps where you use Facebook Login as a sign-in method. – Verge
- Facebook wouldn’t bring Ads to WhatsApp, for the time being. Instead, team will focus on adding more features to WhatsApp to compete with other apps like Telegram & WeChat. – wersm
- A few days back WB launched movie – “Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn”. Three days after the launch, the movie underperformed. Reason – People can’t spell, and they definitely can’t type such long keywords while booking movie tickets. So WB decided to give it a new SEO friendly title – “Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey” hoping that will uplift the earnings. – Verge
- Telegram’s polls feature got a major upgrade introducing features like – Visible Votes, Multiple Answers, & Quiz Mode – Telegram
- Gmail attachment feature now allows users to send emails conversation as an attachment. – wersm

- The era of foldable phones is here. A few months back, Motorola launched Moto Razr Foldable and this month, to compete with Motorola, Samsung launched it’s Galaxy flagship’s Z Flip.

- Besides folding, where else can you use this phone? For makeup or convenience in making Tik-Tok videos?

- If you live in a glasshouse, it’s time for you to buy curtains. Why? Because Galaxy S20 Ultra’s space zoom can magnify shots up to 100 times. – news.samsung.com

- You can watch the entire Galaxy S20 event under 6 minutes
- Samsung Galaxy Z Flip’s unboxing and first impression