- Slovenia, a country for the crypto community, where even president of the country uses the crypto for purchase, debuted a documentary. 6 minutes video shows how local companies are pushing the crypto adoption and how aggressive is the government in blockchain adoption. In Slovenia, the number of merchants who accept BCH is more than the United States. Even holding the crypto is legal and tax-free.
- Bitcoin Cash community showcased a non-custodial wallet with smart-contract capability tools which let the user create on-chain recurring payments – reddit
- CashShuffle, a feature to increases the privacy of coins, is now in-build in Electron Cash wallet. In this video, Roger Ver, the CEO of the bitcoin.com, demonstrates how easy it is to shuffle BCH.
- SLP developers added the capability to add non-fungible tokens on BCH blockchain similar to Etherium ERC-20 tokens. Non-fungibility allows developers to create games like crypto kitties but on BCH blockchain. – simpleledger.cash
- Amazon of decentralized blockchain world “Open Bazaar” launched Android and iOS app named “Haven”. Haven allows anyone to buy & sell, anything & anywhere from this world without taking any cut. It offers end-to-end encrypted chat service so that customers can chat with the seller. Customers can buy, sell and purchase products using crypto. – gethaven.app

- Memo.cash adds decentralized exchange for BCH powered SLP Tokens. Users can create their own tokens and sell them for BCH at any price. – news.bitcoin

- There are a couple of ways to measure the price of a coin. The most common method is the exchange rate, a price which is listed on the crypto exchange. However, there is another method called Intrinsic Fair Value. The intrinsic fair value is the function that converts the ordinal preferences of an individual’s mind into a price. Therefore, the price at which a person buys something ordinary (eg. a banana) is always smaller or equal to the fair value that the individual assigns to the thing he is buying. When many people trade an ordinary good or service, we can refer to the current fair value of that good or service as the price of it. Like CoinMarketCap list average exchange’s price, CoinFairValue lists the fair value of coins. – coinfairvalue.com
- Bitcoin.com launched SLP Dividend Calculator which allows anyone to make dividend payments to SLP token holders. – SLP Dividend Calculator – news.bitcoin.com

- Line, messaging app of Japan, launched a build-in crypto exchange in the app. User can buy, send and trade crypto within the app. – linecorp