- Google launched two new Pixel Phones – Pixel 3 and XL, Pixel Slate and Smart Hub. Watch the entire event in 11 minutes – YouTube
- Introverts are going to love “Call Screen” feature of Pixel 3. Call screen feature transcribes the caller in real-time, giving the user the ability to –
either report as spam, select a suggested response to find out more, answer the call, or hang up – YouTube - Want to start your own startup or side-project? Before jumping on startup bandwagon, check how much will it cost to make your side hustle a unicorn. – Startup Costs
- Google is shutting down Google+ following a major security breach.
5,00,000+ accounts were compromised. – QZ - Facebook is getting into bedrooms with its latest device called “Portal”. But the real question is – do you trust Facebook? – Forbes
- Beijing Sci-Tech Report magazine will start accepting payment in Bitcoin and Crypto ATMs supporting Bitcoin Cash are growing in Europe.
- First, they pay Netflix for binge-watching its shows and then pay to doctor for its cure. “Netflix Addict” – Addicts of the digital era – QZ
- In order to tackle bullying, Instagram adds the ability to filter comments from the feed, personal profile, and live videos – wersm

- “Pixel Buds” – Google assistant powered earphones can
live translate 40+ languages. List of languages – Google - Instagram tried to replace “Scroll” with a “Tap”. Users backlashed and Instagram rolled it back on track with scroll – Twitter
- Windows10 added a new in-built Emoji keyboard. Access it by pressing – (Windows Logo Key) + period (.)
- Netflix represents 15% of all internet traffic. P.S. Youtube is
at the second spot with 11.4% – Statista

- Soundcloud is allowing direct sharing to Instagram sharing from its app – Now you can directly share a track from Soundtrack on Instagram –